Thursday 29 January 2015

It's a Lonely Life full of Rejection but I'm Okay

I am lonely. Don't get me wrong, I have friends. And I see my parents everyday. I just don't get to go out and see my friends or meet new people very often. I know it's because I am currently unemployed (hopefully not for too much longer) and so I never have the money to go and see people and I don't have anywhere I have to go. Most of my friends still go to sixth form and a lot of them also work on weekend so I never really get to see them (Amy and Elli). And Lish now has an apprenticeship (I hope you're doing really well Lish) and so she's now preoccupied during the week. It doesn't help that most of the time I just don't want to go out anywhere. It's not that I don't want to see my friends, I just don't want the hassle of paying to get on an overcrowded bus and actually doing stuff. It was easier at sixth form because I would see them all the time there. But now, not so much. I feel like, eventually, I'm going to end up losing all my friends because I rarely see them.

I was rejected by the apprenticeship I had an interview and trial day for. But, never fear, I am going to see someone who works for an apprenticeship company who is going to help me get a different apprenticeship. I know that there was nothing I could have done differently to try to get the apprenticeship and I know that I'll probably find something else, but it still upsets me when I get rejected. I have a fear of rejection, especially when it comes to jobs because I'm so desperate for one right now and I always seem to get my hopes up only to be shot down.

On a brighter note, I have just got season 3 of Supernatural. I started watching season 1 on Christmas Day (yes, me and my mum spent Christmas Day watching Supernatural) and I had to buy season two and now we've finished watching that so I got season three. Supernatural is AMAZING. I can't believe I hadn't watched it until Christmas (I got the DVD as a present) although I was only about 9 when it first started and I was a chicken whenever it came to anything even slightly scary when I was younger.

I also have a new internet friend. Her name is Sabrina and she lives in Las Vegas. And I have not yet ruined the friendship by forgetting to reply to her messages. I'm doing well. Plus, I think Danny (our foster dog) may be getting a new home soon. Which will be really good, though I will miss him.

Stay in school. Be happy. Don't do drugs. I love you all.

Claire :)

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