Tuesday 20 January 2015

An Apprenticeship, Beloved Dogs and Actual Friends

Holy fudge I've not updated my blog in a long time! So, I shall update you all on my life and whatnot.

First of all I may end up with an apprenticeship by the end of the week. I have had two interviews and I now have a trial afternoon with them on Thursday. So hopefully that will go well and they'll pick me and I'll have an apprenticeship. It's an admin apprenticeship which actually sounds really good and I really want to get it, but I'm trying not to getting hopes up because I know that I'll be up against other people who want it too. But I'm going to try my best and see what happens.

Secondly, we (as in me and my family) are currently fostering another greyhound called Danny. I may have told you about Monty, he was our third greyhound, but unfortunately he bit our other dog and so we had to take him back to the kennels. Danny is just temporary, until he finds owa new home. He was mistreated in his old home and so we're just looking after him for a little while.

Normally o don't get to see my friends very often, but I saw Lish and Siobhan a week or so ago for Lish's birthday and again last Friday. Then yesterday I saw Lish (again), Amy and Elli. We played cards against humanity and it was so much fun! It reminded me of how much I miss my friends. I'm also seeing Paige on Saturday so I have a very busy week.

The main reason I haven't posted anything in so long is because I was very ill at the beginning of the year. But I'm much better now so I shall try to post more. I've really missed my blog.

I hope you all have a great week. Have fun. Stay in school. Don't do drugs. I love you.

Claire :)

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