Saturday 26 April 2014

Meeting Amazing Youtubers and Returning to the Dreaded place called Sixth Form

So last Tuesday, it was my friend Siobhan's birthday and we were all at the city. It was all fun, we went bowling and we were waiting to be able to go to Pizza Hut and waiting for Kezia. And as me and Lish were walking back to the bowling place to get Kez, I spotted two of our favourite youtubers, Tanya Burr and Jim Chapman. I literally had to drag lish over to them because she didn't believe me when I said that it was them. But it was them and we got pictures with them and it was so great.

I was incredibly socially awkward and Lish left me to do all the talking and I kind of rambled on about stuff. But it was so cool to finally meet people who are famous, or internet famous as Jim said. Me and Lish live in Norwich which is where they live too and we were both really lucky to just kind of see them as we were walking down the street. This was also one of the rare occasions that I have actually gone outside as I spend a lot of time inside on the internet and reading books haha! 

So if there is anyone famous who any of you guys want to meet never give up hope on actually meeting them. Also, if you haven't heard of Tanya or Jim then you should check out their YouTube channels and Tanya's make up. 

On a slightly sadder note. I went back to sixth form on Wednesday. It was horrible. I am really not enjoying it and I'm probably going to drop out after the exams anyway. I have this horrible feeling that I am going to fail my exams too because I am really struggling with all the stuff I have to revise. There is a lot that I need to know for the exams and I really don't think I'll know it all in time. Maths is the hardest, but I have a feeling that I'll fail the other two too.

I have constantly got past papers, homework and revision to do. It's a lot of hard work and I. Really do try to get as much done as I can. But it's mostly finding the motivation to actually do any work that I find difficult. I can barely find it in me to even get up in the morning, sixth form or no sixth form. But I know that a lot of people are finding sixth form tough and are going through a lot worse than I am so I don't want to complain. 

I hope you guys are all having a good week, I'll upload again soon (I hope) and I'll try not to complain in the next one! Love you all!

Claire :)

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Some Interesting Question Tag Thingy that I found on the Internet

I am a lazy person but I want to upload a post. So I found these questions and now I have answered them.

01: tell me the truth, what made you start liking the person you like right now? I don't even know to be honest.
02: what on your body is hurting or bothering you? My back hurts.
03: what was your last thought before going to bed last night? I am so tired and weddings are annoying.
04: what are you listening to? Fall out boy.
05: what’s something you’re not looking forward to? Exams.
06: where do you think your best friend is right now? At her house.
07: have you kissed anybody in the last five days? Nope.
08: sex on the first date? No.
09: kiss on the first date? Maybe.
10: is there one person you want to be with right now? Not really.
11: are you seriously happy with where you are in life? No.
12: is there something you would like to say to someone? To whoever invented maths, you are an ass.
13: what are three things you did today? Got up, ate chocolate, went on tumblr.
14: would you rather sleep at a friend’s or have them over? Go to theirs.
15: what is your favorite kind of gum? Minty.
16: are you friends with any of your ex boyfriends/ girlfriends? Sort of.
17: what is on your wrists right now? My moustache friendship bracelet.
18: ever liked someone you thought you didn’t stand a chance with? Yes.
19: does anyone have strong feelings for you? Haha, no.
20: are you slowly drifting away from someone? Yes, Paige.
21: have you ever wasted your time on someone? All the time.
22: can you do the alphabet in sign language? Nope.
23: how have you felt today? Crap, but that's nothing new.
24: you receive £60 without any reason, what do you spend it on? Books.
25: what is wrong with you right now? Everything.
26: is there anyone you’re really disappointed in? Myself.
27: would you rather have starbucks or jamba juice right now? Don't know.
28: why aren’t you in ‘love’ with your last ex anymore? Never really was to be honest.
29: how late did you stay up last night and why? I can't remember but I went to a wedding yesterday.
30: when was the last time you talked to one of your best friends? Today.
31: what were you doing an hour ago? Revision or reading my book.
32: what are you looking forward to in the next month? Siobhan's birthday.
33: are you wearing jeans right now? No.
34: are you a patient person? Not really.
35: do you think you can last in a relationship for three months? Yes.
36: favourite colour? Green.
37: did you have a dream last night? Not that I can remember.
38: are you wearing jeans, shorts, sweatpants, or pajama pants? Leggings.
39: if someone could be cuddling you right now, who would you want it to be? Michael Clifford.
40: do you love anyone who is not related to you? My friends.
41: if someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you? Depends who it is.
42: do you like meeting new people? Sometimes.
43: are you afraid of falling in love? Yes.
44: ever self-harmed or starved yourself? Yep.
45: has anyone ever told you that you have pretty eyes? A couple of people.
46: have you ever felt like you weren’t good enough? All the time.

Claire :)

Sunday 20 April 2014

Frozen is Great and the Blue Team Sucked but it's okay because Divergent was Amazing

Hello people if the world who read my blog! All three of you. It's been a busy two weeks, I hope you are all having a great Easter. I have a lot of little things to say in this post so I shall begin!

I slept round Lish's last Friday. We went shopping, where I bought presents for people and some hair dye. Then we sat on her bed and watched Frozen, which was amazing, Catching Fire and The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones. Although I did fall asleep during City of Bones haha.

My hair is now a kind of plum colour I guess. It's really weird. But next time I will dye it proper purple. I'm really excited.

Elli and Maddy's birthday was great. We went to laser tag. I was on the blue team with Elli and others ( I am too lazy to name others sorry love you) but the red team won (red team was led by Maddy). Our team even had this random guy who was like pro or something. It was so much fun though. Paige shot me 65 times and we were on the same team! That is true friendship right there. Then we went to Pizza Hut. But me and Paige had McDonalds and just ate it at Pizza Hut with the others. I got a balloon (I am not a child okay I just like balloons) and Paige won a McFlurry on her McFlurry. I still can't believe Elli is 17 now, she looks about 14 because she's so small.

The day after their actual Birthday we went and saw Divergent (minus Elli and quite a few other people) which was amazing! I had read the book and the film almost lived up to my high expectations. However, you did not get to see Peter stab Edward in the eye (you actually don't even meet Edward) and they did not mention Dauntless cake! Other than that it was completely amazing!

I was going to go to a sociology revision session at sixth form on Wednesday with Amy, but I had to cancel and I felt really bad about abandoning Amy. I am so sorry Amy. I love you.

I went to a wedding yesterday. I was supposed to go with my mum, dad and sister. But my sister got ill right before we had to leave so her and my mum stayed behind and I went with my dad. The only people I actually knew at this wedding was my dad, nanny and grandad. It was my dad's cousins wedding and I had never met her before so I felt really awkward about being there. I was also forced to socialise at this event. Which was horrible. However, it was nice to spend some time with my dad since most of the time either he's working or I'm at sixth form.

Speaking of sixth form. I feel so unprepared for my exams next month. I know practically nothing. Don't get me wrong, I have done some revision. It's just finding motivation for anything. I have been having a lot of trouble with motivation lately. I have also got a few other problems (that's a great way of wording it Claire) that still haven't been dealt with, at all. These problems seem to be getting worse and more difficult to control.

Today is Easter so I'll leave you by saying that I have eaten way too much chocolate and feel a bit sick now. But it's Easter so I have an excuse. I hope you are all having a wonderful day and enjoy all your chocolate (or whatever you got for Easter because some people don't eat chocolate) and I'll speak to you all soon!

Claire :)

Wednesday 9 April 2014

That Day that you're Born on and Therefore you Celebrate on that Day every Year

   Birthdays. I am talking about this now because there are so many people I know that have birthdays this month and the beginning of next month. The whole point of a birthday is to celebrate the day that someone was born. Why? I'll never know. So many people are born every day and people die too. Yet we still celebrate the day of someone's birth every single year. We buy them gifts and throw them parties. Why? It's so pointless. You just end up spending tonnes of money on presents for people every time someone you're close to has their birthday. I lose about 60% of the money I earn each year on buying presents for other people. When I could be spending that money on more important things (like books) instead. I understand that it's nice to have a bit of a yay when people are born and I guess it's nice to give people gifts, but it just costs so much money, money that I don't have.

"Congratulations on being born exactly *insert age* many years ago, without dying yet. I am so very happy for you, here, have a gift. Well done on being born. Go you!"

   I do celebrate peoples birthdays though. I buy them presents and do all the things I am expected to do on these occasions. However, I am incredibly bad at buying presents. I don't have much money so I can never buy them anything that they really want or anything that is actually good enough for them. I also never know what to buy people. For example, it's my friend Paige's birthday on the 1st of May and I have begun to think about what to get her. "Cats, England and The Script." That is my list of ideas. It's very short and doesn't actually give me an idea of what to get her. She's one of my bestest friends ever, my zero best friend, and she made me this wonderful collage of pictures of me and all my friends for my birthday and I know that nothing I get her will be as amazing or meaningful.

   I also have the problem that most of the time I leave buying presents till the last minute. Which is all my own fault and I know that I shouldn't but I do. It's not that I don't start looking for a present till the last minute, it's just that nothing I see is ever good enough. It's one of my best friends birthday next Monday, Elli's birthday, and I haven't got her present yet because nothing I see is good enough for her. I'm trying to find the PERFECT present for her, but nothing is perfect enough. Not as perfect as her. I don't want to just give her any old present, I hate giving people meaningless presents but I'm just so bad at finding good presents for people.

   Then there are people who "outdo" other people when it comes to presents. This may be because one person has more money than the other and therefore they can afford better presents. Or because they're just naturally really good at knowing what people will want. Or they just get lucky and find the perfect present. Then the other person feels really bad because their present isn't as good and I hate that. That's why sometimes I hate the idea of presents because some people just end up feeling really bad about the quality of the presents that they get people. And it shouldn't be so much about presents, it should be about appreciating the person and being happy that they're in your life and telling them how much you love them, not how much you can spend on them.

   I do hope that all my friends and family who have a birthday coming up have a wonderful time. I hope they all know how much I love them, and I'm sorry if the presents I get up you suck. Love you all!

Claire :)

Saturday 5 April 2014

Hey Guys I'm not Dead and I've Actually Uploaded for Once

Hello. I have not posted in so long and I apologise for that. I've been quite busy with sixth form and I've been a bit ill lately. First I would like to tell you how I got on in my A level mock exams. In sociology I got a C which I am very happy with. In psychology I got a D and I was one make from a C which is annoying but okay. And in maths I got a U. But I did retake one of my maths papers and got a B in it which is a miracle that I don't think will happen in the actual exams. I have decided that I will not being continuing through to A2. Sixth form is just not for me, I'm not enjoying it, I feel stuck. I really just hate it. So I'll probably be dropping out after I've finished all my exams. Therefor pretty soon I will be looking for a nice full time job to keep me going till I decide what I want to do.

I have had a few days off this week. I will not go into details about why but I did have to go to the hospital and they were all like right now you must go and sort stuff out with your local GP and so we went to my local doctors, saw a doctor, but he was rubbish and nothing has been sorted out. And now I am just really pissed off because nothing is being done about it and it's just getting worse.

On a brighter note, some exciting events are happening this month. First of all, my dad's birthday which is on the 9th. Then there's Elli and Maddy's birthdays which are on the same day, the 14th (send them both tonnes of amazing presents guys!!) and I am going to the laser tag on the 14th and seeing Divergent on the 15th. So that's going to be really fun. Then there's Siobhan's birthday on the 22nd where we'll be going bowling and having pizza. Finally, Paige's birthday, which isn't actually till the 1st of May. She's having a massive sleepover again in the big teepee on the 3rd and 4th of May. So I am really excited for all these amazing things that are all birthdays. I am also planning on going round Lish's for a sleepover too but I'm not sure when yet and I'm going to a wedding on the 19th. So it's a very busy month.

I've got tonnes of revision to do this month as my first exam is on the 13th of May. I'm really scared for the exams, but I'm a bit more chilled about it than I would be if I really wanted to do A2. So I'm not freaking out as much, but I still want to do well even if I'm going to drop out after I've finished the year.

Game of Thrones season 4 starts on Monday and I am so excited! Recently got my mum season 3 on blu ray for Mother's Day, we had watched it on TV before obviously but we had to get it on DVD too. I'm wondering what's going to happen now that half of the main charactes are dead. Have you guys heard She Looks So Perfect by 5sos? It's amazing! If you haven't you should listen to it. And buy their ep.

Anyway, I hope you all have a wonderful day and I'll try to update a bit more often. Love you all, see you soon!

Claire :)