Monday 11 February 2019

Meet Molly

Todays post is all about Molly, my family's new whippet cross Bedlington puppy! We got her just before Christmas and she is the cutest thing. This post will mostly consist of photos because that's the best way to introduce her.

She was born near the end of September (I can't remember the exact date- I'm terrible with remembering dates) and when we first got her home she was really sleepy and we thought she would be quite easy to look after, but she fooled us.

She actually turned out to have loads of energy and started biting everything pretty soon after we got her. Lucky for her she's so cute we always forgive her when she bites us.

I bought her this Christmas outfit for Christmas which she just wanted to bite and taking this photo was very difficult. But she looked so cute in it!

Unless she's sleeping its so difficult to get a photo of her because she's always moving. She does the same creepy eye thing her big sister Ellie (our greyhound) does.

She also likes to sleep upside down sometimes like Ellie which is funny. She also does this when she wants belly rubs.

She learnt to sit pretty quickly and tends to do it when you have food she wants. We're trying to teach her to sit for a treat.

She gets along really well with her two big sisters Ellie and Maya (our two greyhounds) but Maya will tell her off if she gets too annoying. Molly likes to lick their faces a lot and Ellie plays with her when she's in the mood for it.

She loves to sit on laps and next to you and even behind you, she really loves people and comfort. 

As all puppies are, Molly is a struggle sometimes but we love her lots (and we're hoping she'll grow out of biting). She is a wonderful addition to our family and we're loving watching her grow up.

- Claire

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