Monday 11 February 2019

Meet Molly

Todays post is all about Molly, my family's new whippet cross Bedlington puppy! We got her just before Christmas and she is the cutest thing. This post will mostly consist of photos because that's the best way to introduce her.

She was born near the end of September (I can't remember the exact date- I'm terrible with remembering dates) and when we first got her home she was really sleepy and we thought she would be quite easy to look after, but she fooled us.

She actually turned out to have loads of energy and started biting everything pretty soon after we got her. Lucky for her she's so cute we always forgive her when she bites us.

I bought her this Christmas outfit for Christmas which she just wanted to bite and taking this photo was very difficult. But she looked so cute in it!

Unless she's sleeping its so difficult to get a photo of her because she's always moving. She does the same creepy eye thing her big sister Ellie (our greyhound) does.

She also likes to sleep upside down sometimes like Ellie which is funny. She also does this when she wants belly rubs.

She learnt to sit pretty quickly and tends to do it when you have food she wants. We're trying to teach her to sit for a treat.

She gets along really well with her two big sisters Ellie and Maya (our two greyhounds) but Maya will tell her off if she gets too annoying. Molly likes to lick their faces a lot and Ellie plays with her when she's in the mood for it.

She loves to sit on laps and next to you and even behind you, she really loves people and comfort. 

As all puppies are, Molly is a struggle sometimes but we love her lots (and we're hoping she'll grow out of biting). She is a wonderful addition to our family and we're loving watching her grow up.

- Claire

Wednesday 16 January 2019

The Wicked King

So the other day I finished reading The Wicked King by Holly Black and man I have a lot of feelings about it so here is my ramble of emotions. This is basically me saying shit about the book that makes no sense unless you've read it and understand fangirl language.


I'm gonna start with Jude because she's the main character (obvs). So Jude is so forking bad ass because she's just this human girl living with all these asshole faeries and she outsmarts them constantly. Her ordering Cardan around is my favourite thing and I love how she actually matters to the court now like YAS BITCH!

Cardan makes me so confused because like Jude one minute I love him and the next I hate him. I don't think I need to go over the whole tail bit because we all know how fantastic that was. He clearly has feelings for Jude but doesn't want to admit it because she's just a human and he's the High King and she tricked him. BUT he loves her.

I cannot describe how much I dislike Taryn. What a fucking bitch. I am mad that Jude forgave her, because I wouldn't. And why would you want to marry someone who fucks around with your twin sister just because he can and wants to see you not react and let him do it?!

I'm not even going to talk about Locke because I hate him more.

I swear you can't trust anyone in this book. Even THE GHOST!! How dare he?! I was so mad, so many parts of this book made me mad. But I also loved it. Its like Jude and Cardan's relationship. But it was so funny when Balekin tries to glamour Jude and get her to kill Cardan. And her killing him was great. It seems there's a lot you can solve with murder after all.

CAN WE TALK ABOUT THE END?!! wtf. How dare this happen??? I was somewhat suspicious of the whole marriage thing but I was too happy about it to actually worry and then BOOM. So part of me is also maybe thinking Cardan sent her away to protect her after she ended up kidnapped by the Undersea and nearly died. Its so hard to tell with him. But I mean they are married now and he cant lie so if someone straight up asks him he cant lie about it, but then faeries are tricky. I don't want to have to wait to find out what Jude is going to do and if Cardan really loves her (which I think he does).

To be honest this is just unintelligible ramblings. Could have been longer but I had an interview today and that's all I can think about.

- Claire

Thursday 10 January 2019


This is a very bad poem I wrote about a certain guy I dated. His words hurt, but also made me realise how much better I deserved. So I dedicate this to him, a boy who could not love because his heart was filled with poison.


I may be average

But at least I’m not heartless

I may be average

But at least I’m not an alcoholic

I may be average

But at least I am the kind to people

I may be average

But at least I don’t take things for granted

I may be average

But at least I can love

- Claire