Friday 27 June 2014

I'm not Okay and I need a Job but I'll build a Fort

Good day friends! I have a few thing to tell you today in this post. First of all, I have another dog! She is a greyhound, like Ellie, and her name is Maya. She's been very nervous since we got her but she's slowly settling in, she likes cuddles. Unfortunately, due to the fact that she doesn't like going into the back garden, she had an accident in the living room this morning. Then my mum stood in it. It was not a pretty sight and it smelt really bad.

On Wednesday though, I went and saw the Fault in Our Stars with my friends. It was me, Amy, Paige, Elli, Lish, Maddy, Emma and Siobhan. The film was amazing (I won't spoil it for you so if you want to know any more then go and see it) and it was so nice to see my friends. I was sat between Lish and Paige which definitely made things interesting haha! I do miss my friends a lot now that I don't see them at sixth form, but it's nice that we all done something together.

My dad is now forcing my to get job seekers (yay) and so I am now waiting till my appointment at the bank to set up my bank account (because I don't have one) and then I shall be going to the job centre and hopefully start getting some money (mostly to pay my dad back and use to see my friends) whilst I try to get a job. Although finding a job is quite difficult and I am a very fussy person, so if I don't like the sound of something I might not apply for it.

I may try doing some more volunteer work at a charity store or something, just to gain more experience and to make my CV look better haha! Although, I am volunteering at RGT on Wednesdays and Thursdays I think that if I done something else it would make me seem less lazy and hopefully employers will actually want to employ me.

My parents want to get a caravan for holidays. They were going to go and look at one today but it got canceled which is disappointing because I was going to be home alone (which I enjoy because you can sing really loud and hog the TV) but they're going out all day tomorrow anyway. I'm excited for the caravan, although my sister has claimed top bunk. But I'm okay with that because I shall built a fort.

I hope you are all having a wonderful week, I know I am because the 5sos album comes out in a few days! Stay in school. Don't do drugs. Love you all!

Claire :)

Tuesday 17 June 2014

Drop Out who Misses her Friends and Loves 5sos

Hi there people of the internet! I haven't uploaded in quite some time. I have finished all my exams and I have now dropped out of sixth form. I've been applying to loads of different jobs but no one seems to want me. This means that my dad is now forcing me to go to the job centre and get job seekers money, which is something I really didn't want to do, but hopefully I won't have to do that for very long. I miss all my friends at sixth form so much! It gives me actual pain. I know that they miss me too, but it's not as bad for them because they have each other but I'm stuck not seeing any of my friends. I'm going to be volunteering at RGT to walk the greyhounds on Wednesdays which will make me feel better. The dogs shall be my new friends. (Not that anyone could ever actually replace my friends because they're all so amazing)

My sister is now 20 which is really weird because she's so short and immature. But then I remember that I turn 18 this year. Which is going to make me like an adult. I'm not ready for adulthood. What a bills? What is a mortgage? I'm not ready for the outside world. I'm still a child. I still use straws when I have a drink and I can't go to the doctors on my own. I don't want to grow up. Can I just be like Peter Pan and stay young forever?

On a happier note, my sister has preordered 5sos's album for me! I'm so excited! I've got the don't stop ep and I've been listening to it non stop! I also got retweeted by Kimmi Smiles who is one of my favourite youtubers ever and I am so happy about it! I got the first few game of thrones books too! I stated reading the first one the other day and it's really funny because in the book Jon Snow is supposed to be 14 ahaha!Those are probably the only good things that have happens the past month really.

Daily recommendation: You really should listen to 5sos's ep because it's amazing!
Hope you all have a wonderful day!Stay in school. Don't do drugs. Love you all!

 Claire :)