Friday 20 March 2015

I Dont Know What to Call This But it's an Update Post

Last week I had training at the kennels and it was one of the best weeks ever! It was really hard, tiring labour type work. But it was amazing. I've been wanting to work with animals for so long and I've been volunteering up there for ages and now I get to work there on the odd occasion to cover for holidays and sickness. It's really nice to be a lot more involved and the girls that work there are so lovely. I know it's not a full time job, it's not even a part time job really I suppose, but it's a start.

I worked from 9-4 from Monday to Wednesday and then probably from about 8/8:30-4 on Thursday and Friday. I was so tired by the end of the week and I had blisters but it was worth it. All the dogs are so lovely and although I spent a lot of time cleaning up poop and cleaning kennels I really enjoyed it and I would love to do something like that as my full time job.

There are now 22 dogs at the kennels and normally there's only one person there for most of the day, apart from the volunteer walkers who normally help by walking the dogs in the morning, so it's a lot of work for the girls and so I've been going in and helping all day without actually being paid to do it. I am such a good person.

On another note, I have finished season 8 of Supernatural but season 9 doesn't come out on DVD until June. I don't know what I'm going to do with my life now. I guess I'll just have to watch it all from the beginning again.

Unfortunately I also have some bad news. The other day I had a bit of a break down? I don't know what to call it really. It was horrible and I am now going to be seeing my doctor on Thursday. But don't worry, I'll be fine haha! Hopefully things may finally be sorted out, I don't know what I'll do if things aren't sorted out.

Also, my mum has had her hair cut quite short and dyed it purple. I think she's having midlife crisis or something. It worries me.

I hope you're all having a fantastic week and I will see you soon. Maybe.

Stay in school. Don't do drugs. Be happy.

Claire :)