Thursday 26 February 2015

Supernatural Rant

Okay, story time. So, for Christmas (last year) I asked for the first season of Supernatural on DVD. I'd heard that Supernatural was really good and so I wanted to give it a go and see it I liked it. I got season 1 for Christmas from my aunts and we ended up watching a few episodes on Christmas day (because how else do you spend Christmas but watching two hot brothers killing demons) and I fell in love with it.

Then we ended up finishing season 1 and what else could I do but buy the next season. And each time I finished a season I would buy the next season. It's currently February and we are in the middle if season 6. I own season 7 and I think I may be obsessed.

That is how I got into Supernatural and now I shall rant about the first five seasons (because that's as far as I've got) and you can either continue reading or leave because you don't like supernatural or you don't want any spoilers.

First of all, my favourite character was originally Sam but then Castiel came into it and now he's my favourite. Plus Misha Collins is amazing. I ship Destiel. Obviously. Every time Dean is in a bad situation I just say "Where the hell is Cas?" Because he should be there to save his boyfriend.

If anyone did not realise that Ruby was bad from the start then you should leave, right now. She's was demon. There's no such thing as a good demon. Plus, she made Sam drink demon blood which is very very bad. I didn't like her from the beginning anyway, she was really annoying. And don't even get me started on Crowley being evil, although he's not annoying. I actually quite like Crowley. Even if he is evil. He's the kind of evil that you can't help but like.

I love Cas.

Can I just ask, how many more times are Sam and Dean going to die and then come back to life again? It's like "Oh shit I died again." Then suddenly they're alive again and it's like "Well, I guess I'm back." Not that I'm really complaining, I don't want them to die (and stay dead). Also, I have been proven wrong because I always thought that Bobby would die quite early on but he just keeps kicking (apart from that one time when he was in a wheelchair because he lost the use of his legs) which I'm actually glad about because I love Bobby and I don't want him to die.

When I was younger I was a giant wimp (I kind of still am) and I used to hate anything that was even slightly scary. But now it's like if someone's head gets chopped off I'm just like "Well that must have hurt." I have grown as a person. It's like if I'm out at night, in the dark, alone I just think "It's okay, if a demon tries to kill me then Sam and Dean will save me."

Anyway, if you've never seen Supernatural the you should definitely watch it, it's amazing. I recommend it to everyone, except demons, I don't think demons would like it.

Claire :)